DIN ISO 13506-2008 隔热和阻燃防护服装.完整服装的试验方法.使用仪器装备的人体模型对燃烧伤害的预测(ISO 13506-2008).英文版本DIN ISO 13506-2008

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:DIN ISO 13506-2008
中文标准名称:隔热和阻燃防护服装.完整服装的试验方法.使用仪器装备的人体模型对燃烧伤害的预测(ISO 13506-2008).英文版本DIN ISO 13506-2008
英文标准名称:Protective clothing against heat and flame - Test method for complete garments - Prediction of burn injury using an instrumented manikin (ISO 13506:2008); English version of DIN ISO 13506:2008-12
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 6330;ISO 7941
适用范围:This International Standard provides the general principles of a test method for evaluating the performance ofcomplete garments or protective clothing ensembles in a flash fire or other short duration exposures. This testmethod characterizes the thermal protection provided by garments, based on the measurement of heattransfer to a full-size manikin exposed to a laboratory simulation of a fire with controlled heat flux density,duration and flame distribution. The heat transfer measurements can also be used to calculate the predictedskin burn injury resulting from the exposure. In addition, observations are recorded on the overall behaviour ofthe test specimen during and after the exposure.This method is useful for three types of evaluation:a) comparison of garment or ensemble materials;b) comparison of garment or ensemble design; andc) evaluation of any garment or ensemble prototype for a particular application or to a specification.Each type of evaluation has different garment or ensemble requirements because the test results aredependent on the test material performance, on the garment size, on the garment design and on the use ofensemble components.The results obtained apply only to the particular garments or ensembles, as tested, and for the specifiedconditions of each test, particularly with respect to the heat flux density, duration and flame distribution. Forthe purposes of this test method, the incident heat flux density is limited to a nominal level of 84 kW/m2.This International Standard is intended to be used to measure and describe the behaviour of completegarments or protective clothing ensembles in response to convective and radiant energy under controlledlaboratory conditions, with the results used to optimize garment combinations and designs. This InternationalStandard is not intended to be used to compare the properties of garment materials or combinations ofmaterials unless the test specimens are absolutely identical in size and design. Furthermore, this InternationalStandard is not intended to be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard or fire risk under actual fireconditions. However, the results of this test can be used as elements of a fire risk assessment which takesinto account all of the factors that are pertinent to an assessment of the fire hazard of a particular end use.Considerations for the use of this test method are provided in Annex A. Inter-laboratory data for the testmethod are provided in Annex B.NOTE 1 This test method provides information on matedal behaviour and a measurement of garment performance on astationary upright manikin. The effects of body position and movement are not addressed in this test method.NOTE 2 This test method does not apply to the evaluation of protection for the hands or the feet.NOTE 3 This test method is complex and requires a high degree of technical expertise in both the test setup andoperation.






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