DIN EN 12312-5-2009 航空器地勤支援设备.专门要求.第5部分:飞机燃料设备(包括修改件A1-2009).英文版本DIN EN 12312-5-2009-08

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:DIN EN 12312-5-2009
中文标准名称:航空器地勤支援设备.专门要求.第5部分:飞机燃料设备(包括修改件A1-2009).英文版本DIN EN 12312-5-2009-08
英文标准名称:Aircraft ground support equipment - Specific requirements - Part 5: Aircraft fuelling equipment (includes Amendment A1:2009); English version of DIN EN 12312-5:2009-08
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/8/1 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 764-1;EN 954-1-1996;EN 1050-1996;EN 1361;EN 1915-1-2001;EN 1915-2;EN 1915-3;EN 1915-4;EN 50020;EN 60079-0;EN 60079-1-2004;EN 60079-2-2004;EN 60079-5;EN 60079-6;EN 60079-7;EN 60079-11;EN 60079-14;EN 60079-15;EN 60079-18;EN 60529;EN ISO 12100-1-2003;EN I
适用范围:This document specifies the technical requirements to minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise dur-ing the commissioning, operation and maintenance of AFE when carried out in accordance with the specificationsgiven by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. It also takes into account some performance require-ments recognised as essential by authorities, aircraft and ground support equipment (GSE) manufacturers as wellas airlines, airports and fuelling companies.This document applies to all types of aircraft fuelling equipment:-- aircraft refuellers;-- hydrant dispensers;-- defuellers;-- hydrant pit servicing vehicles;-- stationary dispensing units,intended to service aircraft with aviation fuels and to be operated on airfields, heliports and other aircraft refuellingrelated areas such as maintenance bases.NOTE 1 In general, the European Agreement concerning the Intemational Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) isnot applicable to AFE as they are not deemed to be used on public roads. However, certain requirements have been consideredwhen developing this standard.The use of AFE on public roads is not intended with the following exceptions:-- transportation of fuel from tank farms to refuelling areas;-- maintenance purposes with empty cargo tanks.NOTE 2 This may include the need of local traffic derogation (see Clause 0 of EN 1915-1:2001 -- negotiation).The intended functions of AFE are:-- loading fuel from the tank farm and/or a hydrant system to the AFE;-- storage and transportation of fuel;-- fuelling from the AFE to the aircraft;-- filtration of the fuel;-- metering the fuel for a transfer of custody;-- defuelling the aircraft to the AFE;-- flushing fuel from hydrant systems;-- unloading AFE to the tank farm after defuelling of an aircraft;-- transferring fuel from one AFE to another.This document does not apply to:-- AFE whose only power source for aircraft refuelling is directly applied manual effort;-- hydrant systems, tank farms, pipework and underground tanks; specific hazards due to the operation of the AFE in a potentially explosive atmosphere;-- built-in fire extinguisher systems.This document does not establish requirements for noise and vibration.Noise and vibration are dealt with respectively in EN 1915-4 and EN 1915-3.This document does not deal with hazards in respect to a standard automotive chassis and from other vehicles onthe apron.This document is not applicable to AFE which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document byCEN. This part of EN 12312 is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1915-1, EN 1915-2, EN 1915-3 (for vehi-cles) and EN 1915-4.






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