SIS SS-EN 50 020-1991 防爆电气设备.内在安全

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:SIS SS-EN 50 020-1991
发布日期:1991/9/11 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This European Standard contains the specific requirements for construction and testing of intrinsically safe electrical apparatus, type of protection 'i', intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.1.2 This European Standard supplements European Standard EN 50 014 'General requirements', the requirements of which apply to intrinsically safe electrical apparatus, and to associated electrical apparatus except for those which concern:2.1 Electrical apparatus5.2 Delay times for opening of enclosures6 Plastics enclosures (for associated electrical apparatus)7 Light alloy enclosures (for associated electrical apparatus)8.1 Access to uninsulated live parts8.2 Special fasteners9 Interlocking devices10 Bushings11 Materials used for cementing12 Connections14.3 Terminal compartments15 Cable and conduit entriesSection III Particular requirements for specific electrical apparatus22.4.3.1 Test for resistance to impact22.4.3.3 Rubbing of moving parts22.4.5 Torque test for bushings22.4.6 Thermal tests (for associated electrical apparatus) 2) Temperature measurements22.4.7 Insulation resistance test of parts of enclosures of plastics materials (for associated electrical apparatus)22.4.9 &22.4.10 Tests for cable entriesIf associated electrical apparatus is protected by a type of protection listed in European Standard EN 50 014 'General requirements', the requirements of that standard apply in the conditions of application of the European Standard for the type of protection concerned.1.3 This European Standard applies to electrical apparatus in which the electrical circuits themselves are incapable of causing explosion in the surrounding atmosphere.1.4 This European Standard applies also to electrical apparatus or parts of electrical apparatus located outside the potentially explosive atmosphere or protected by another type of protection listed in European Standard EN 50 014 'General requirements', where the intrinsic safety of the electrical circuits in the potentially explosive atmosphere may depend upon the design and construction of such electrical apparatus or parts of such electrical apparatus.NOTE. The permitted methods of interconnection of intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and associated electrical apparatus are specified in another European Standard (in preparation).






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