DD ENV 13670-1-2000 普通混凝土结构的施工
百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:DD ENV 13670-1-2000
英文标准名称:Execution of concrete structures. Common
发布日期:2000/6/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2000/6/15 12:00:00
适用范围:(1) This European Prestandard gives common requirements for execution of concrete structures. Inparticular, this part gives requirements for structures designed according to ENV 1992 -1 and for theconcrete part of composite structures designed according to ENV 1994-1.(2) In the case of civil engineering works, different or additional requirements need to be considered and,if required, given in the project specification.(3) This prestandard permits the project specification to state specific requirements relevant to theparticular structure.(4) This prestandard is applicable to temporary as well as permanent concrete structures.(5) Additional or different requirements should be considered and, if required, given in the projectspecification when using:- Lightweight aggregate concrete;- other materials (e.g.fibres) or constituent materials;- special technologieshnovate designs.(6) Small and simple concrete works and secondary structures of minor importance, defined as such inprovisions valid at the construction site, are not within this prestandard.(7) This prestandard does not apply to concrete members used only as equipment for the execution.(8) This prestandard does not cover the specification, production and conformity of concrete.(9) This prestandard is not applicable to the production of precast concrete elements made in accordancewith product standards.(10) This prestandard does not cover the requirements for concrete members in special geotechnicalworks such as pile foundations, ground anchors, slurry walls, etc.(11) This prestandard does not cover safety and health aspects of execution.(12) This prestandard does not state requirements for quality assurance or for qualification of personnel for the various activities.(13) This prestandard does not cover contractual issues or responsibilities for the identified actions.
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