BS EN 1546-3-2000 识别卡系统.部门间电子钱包.数据元和内部交换

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:BS EN 1546-3-2000
英文标准名称:Identification card systems - Inter-sector electronic purse - Data elements and interchanges
发布日期:2000/1/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2000/1/15 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of EN 1546 provides the necessary information on the data elements to be stored and exchanged in order to enable IEP Systems conforming to this standard to be interoperable. The transaction types involving lEPs as defined in prEN 1546-1 (Definitions, concepts and structures) and EN 1546-2 (Security architecture) are covered by this part of EN 1546. Formats for commands and responses, including the detailed definitions of single data elements, are defined, whereas the exact way the data may be stored in the components is outside the scope of EN 1546. Methods for selection of the IEP application are defined. Examples of formats for commands and responses to implement informative transaction types, as defined in EN 1546-2, are given in Annex A. A possible file structure for the IEP and methods for reading out the content of files is not defined as it is not critical to interoperability. However, an example is given in Annex B. The processing of the commands within the receiving devices is not defined by this part of EN 1546 as it is covered from a security point of view in EN 1546-2 (Security architecture). The interface and functionality of the IEP are specified in detail, as the device that implements it is critical in achieving interoperability between different IEP Systems. An example of a PSAM implementation is given in Annex C, whereas LSAMs and PPSAMs are considered outside the scope of this part of EN 1546.






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