BS 8525-2-2011 洗涤水系统.家用洗涤水处理设备.要求和试验方法

百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:BS 8525-2-2011
英文标准名称:Greywater systems. Domestic greywater treatment equipment. Requirements and test methods
发布日期:2011/8/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/8/15 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 1427;BS 6068-2.34;BS 8525-1-2010;BS EN 1899-1;BS EN ISO 7027;BS EN ISO 7393-2;BS EN ISO 7899-1;BS EN ISO 7899-2;BS EN ISO 9308-1;BS EN ISO 9308-3;BS EN ISO 10304-1;BS EN ISO 13395;The chemical disinfecting agents in waters and effluents--Methods for th
适用范围:This part of BS 8525 specifies requirements and gives methods of test forpackaged and/or site-assembled domestic greywater treatment equipment. Thisstandard applies to treatment equipment where all prefabricated componentsare factory- or site-assembled by one manufacturer and tested as a single unit.This part of BS 8525 does not require specific water treatment processes to beused. However, it applies to equipment that treats bathroom greywater so thatit is of a quality suitable for prescribed domestic uses in residential, commercial,industrial or public premises. It is not applicable to treatment equipment whichprocesses waste from WCs and kitchens.The test methods described in Annex B and Annex D have been devised for thetype testing of domestic greywater treatment equipment with a nominaltreatment capacity of up to 10 m3 per day. They are intended to be carried outon greywater treatment equipment under controlled conditions using publicmains water and synthetic greywater. These test methods are not intended forcommissioning or validation of the on-site performance of the domesticgreywater treatment equipment. Recommendations for the installation, commissioning and validation ofon-site performance of packaged and/or site-assembled domestic greywatertreatment equipment as part of a greywater system are given in BS 8525-1.NOTE 2 Annex A specifies requirements for the greywater treatment equipmenttest set-up and preparation; Annex B to Annex D specify greywater treatmentequipment test methods; Annex E and Annex F are informative annexes, the formergiving recommendations regarding analytical methods and the latter providing anexample of a product information sheet.






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