UL SUBJECT 2262A-2011 便携式燃料电池电源系统或类似设备用带整合式燃料处理装置的硼氢化物燃料盒调查大纲.发布编号:2
百检网 2021-08-04
标准号:UL SUBJECT 2262A-2011
英文标准名称:Outline of Investigation for Borohydride Fuel Cartridges with Integral Fuel Processing for Use with Portable Fuel Cell Power Systems or Similar Equipment Issue Number: 2
发布日期:2011/12/20 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 These requirements cover disposable borohydride compound fuel cartridges with integral fuelprocessing for use with portable fuel cell power systems or similar equipment that use gaseous hydrogenfrom the cartridge. The fuel contained within the cartridge consists of a sodium or potassium borohydrideformulation, or a mixture of these formulations, which have been shown to be UN Class 8 (Corrosive)materials. The compounds, in liquid state are processed through a chemical reaction within the cartridgethat results in hydrogen gas (for use as a fuel) and borate solution (waste material stored in the cartridgeuntil disposal).1.2 These requirements also cover cartridges that contain fuel consisting of UN Class 4, Division 4.3(Water Reactive) borohydride compounds. The compounds, in solid state, are processed with the additionof water resulting in a chemical process that results in hydrogen gas (for use as fuel) and borate solution(waste material stored in the cartridge until disposal).1.3 These requirements cover cartridges for use in portable fuel cells systems, but do not cover cartridgesfor use in equipment intended to be brought on board passenger aircraft.1.4 The fuel cell cartridges covered by these requirements are for use in ambient temperatures that donot exceed 50°C (121°F) and whose internal pressures do not exceed 100 psig.1.5 Federal regulatory requirements pertaining to the shipment of fuel cartridges are outside the scope ofthis Outline of Investigation.
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