BS DD CEN/TS 16071-2010 单一欧洲天空规则应用的飞行数据处理(空中交通管制 - 空中交通管制)交互操作能力.互操作能力规则 EC 552/2004指令

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS DD CEN/TS 16071-2010
中文标准名称:单一欧洲天空规则应用的飞行数据处理(空中交通管制 - 空中交通管制)交互操作能力.互操作能力规则 EC 552/2004指令
英文标准名称:Interoperability of flight data processing (Air Traffic Control - Air Traffic Control) for application under the Single European Sky. Interoperability Regulation EC 552/2004
发布日期:2010/10/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/10/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Technical Specification is for the production of conformity evidence for FDP-FDP ground-based systeminteroperability which has to be declared by the Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) before putting FDPsystemsinto service.This Technical Specification defines the Technical, Operational and Maintenance requirements for Flight DataProcessing (ATC-ATC) system interoperability.Flight Data Processing (FDP) interoperability between ATC units is a key element to facilitate and harmoniseFlight Data systems data exchanges and critical to the functioning of a harmonised European Air TrafficManagement system.FDP Interoperability can be achieved by the use of different techniques appropriate to the operationalneed, e.g. message exchange, replication mechanisms and data sharing.The architectural framework in which the different actors have to inter-operate is of major importance to definethe context in which the European Standards have to be developed.For a systematic solution to certain flight data inconsistency problems currently existing in Europe, thedefinition of a Flight Object (FO) is required to become a conceptual single point of reference for flight data tobe used by stakeholder systems.Interoperability of FDP (ATC-ATC) includes coordination and transfer; correlation and surveillance, facilitationof optimum routes; MTCD and resolutions; recovery support; ground-ground situation awareness and trafficmanagement.Any software elements related to the software assurance level of a FDP System are outside of the scope ofthe present document.Although a consensus can be reached on the present state of the art in FDP interoperability, this state of theart is not mature enough to be put into a European Standard (EN). The European Committee forStandardisation thus resolved to record the obtained technical consensus as the present TechnicalSpecification, with informative status.The present document thus does not give legal presumption of conformity to any piece of Europeanlegislation.






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