BS PD CEN/TR 15855-2009 建材产品.危险物质的释放评估.贸易壁垒

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS PD CEN/TR 15855-2009
英文标准名称:Construction products — Assessment of release of dangerous substances — Barriers to trade
发布日期:2009/4/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/4/30 12:00:00
适用范围:Mandate M/366 of the European Commission to CEN, titled: “DEVELOPMENT OF HORIZONTALSTANDARDISED ASSESSMENT METHODS FOR HARMONISED APPROACHES RELATING TODANGEROUS SUBSTANCES UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIRECTIVE (CPD), emission to indoor air, soil, surface water and ground water”, which created CEN/TC 351, required a number of technical reports (TRs) to assist in the process of standardisation. The first of these TRs was to establish the extent of or presence of technical barriers to trade resulting from requirements under Essential Requirement 3 (ER3), as perceived or experienced by manufacturers of construction products, demanded by EU Member States.Since the CPD (Council Directive 89/106/EEC of December 21, 1988 concerning construction products) isaiming to lift barriers to trade, there would be no point, in theory, in developing standards in CEN/TC 351 forthe purpose of ER3 if no technical barriers to trade exist.However, the “Grounds” for this Mandate, given by the Commission, state:‘… this standardisation mandate refers to products for which the two following conditions are fulfilled:a) the products are or risk to be subject to technical barriers to trade arising from regulated dangeroussubstances;b) the characteristics of the products regarding regulated dangerous substances influence the satisfaction bythe construction works, in which they are to be incorporated in a permanent manner, of the essentialrequirements as laid down in article 3 of the CPD and set out in terms of objectives with regard to hygiene,health and the environment, in Annex 1 of the CPD. These works are subject to legislative, regulatory oradministrative regulations of Member States covering such essential requirements specifically in the fieldof dangerous substances'.1Further, in Clause 7 of the “Execution of the Mandate” referring to the work programme of CEN, it states:‘It [the work programme] shall identify and cover all products or product families for which the three followingconditions are fulfilled: European or national regulations are limiting or banning the emission or content (see IV.8) of dangeroussubstances; Existing or potential barriers to trade have been identified; Measurement/test methods for these specified regulated dangerous substances have already beendeveloped and are used on a national or EU level.Considering point (a) in the “Grounds” for the Mandate it is stated that products “at risk” from technical barriersto trade are equally important to existing barriers to trade, and also in the above Clause 7, Execution of theMandate, the second dash refers to “potential barriers” as well as established barriers. This makes the scopeof the work wider than simply identifying existing technical barriers.The Mandate also specifically refers to ‘technical’ barriers to trade, and CEN is especially asked to consider in the Work Package the following TR:“Work Package 1: technical reports: procedures for testing and testing schemes1. Technical Report on examples of existing and potential barriers to trade in relation with emission ofregulated dangerous substances into indoor air, surface water, ground water or soil.






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