BS EN 61968-13-2008 电气设备的应用集成.分布式管理用系统接口.配电用CIM RDF模型交换格式

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS EN 61968-13-2008
中文标准名称:电气设备的应用集成.分布式管理用系统接口.配电用CIM RDF模型交换格式
英文标准名称:Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - CIM RDF Model exchange format for distribution
发布日期:2009/3/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/3/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 61968-1;IEC 61968-3;IEC 61968-4;IEC 61970-301;IEC 61970-501
适用范围:This part of IEC 61968 specifies the format and rules for exchanging modeling informationbased upon the CIM (Common Information Model) and related to distribution network data.The intention of this part of IEC 61968 is to allow the exchange of instance data in bulk. Thus,the imported network model data should be sufficient to allow performing network connectivityanalysis, including network tracing, outage analysis, load flow calculations, etc. This partcould be used for synchronizing geographical information system databases with remotecontrol system databases.This part is closely linked to IEC 61970-452 Energy Management System Application ProgramInterface (EMS-API) CIM Network applications model exchange specification. Thus, thisdocument has been written in order to reduce its maintenance. It describes only differenceswith IEC 61970-452. Nevertheless, as IEC 61970-452 is a future international standard, thispart still has duplicate information with IEC 61970-452, in order to be more understandable.It uses the CIM RDF Schema presented in IEC 61970-501 as the meta-model framework forconstructing XML documents containing power system modeling information. The syntax ofthese documents is called CIM XML format. Model exchange by file transfer serves manyuseful purposes, specially when some applications need to have the complete network modeldefined. Though the format can be used for general CIM-based information exchange, in thispart of IEC 61968, specific profiles (or subsets) of the CIM are identified in order to addressparticular exchange requirements.Given the CIM RDF Schema described in IEC 61970-501, a DMS power system model can beconverted for export as an XML document, see Figure 1. This document is referred to as aCIM XML document. All of the tags (resource descriptions) used in the CIM XML documentare supplied by the CIM RDF schema. The resulting CIM XML model exchange document canbe parsed and the information imported into a foreign system. This part of IEC 61968 isaligned to CIM Model version 11, CPSM 3.0 profile.Similar to using any programming language, implementers have many choices when creatinga CIM XML document. The RDF syntax itself can be used in several ways to achieve thesame basic result. The way one approaches the CIM RDF Schema can yield various formswhen producing a CIM XML document. The following clauses discuss the style guidelines forproducing a CIM XML document. Such guideline rules are important to communicate andfollow when producing these documents because they simplify and facilitate the softwarewritten to unambiguously interpret the model information.Some comparisons have been made between CIM RDF and CIM XSD. Annexes A, B, C and Dare extracted from articles and documents discussing CIM RDF and CIM XSD. A distributionmanagement system can use only a CIM XSD message types architecture, but CIM RDF hasthree advantages:• A UML model is a graph model and RDF helps to describe the graph model. XSDdescribes a hierarchical model which suits the message type approach.• RDF is more readable and understandable by people working in the electrotechnical field.• It is a basic requirement to build ontologies.If required, tools would ensure the compatibility between CIM-RDF and, for instance,IEC 61968-4 and IEC 61968-3 message types concerning distribution network modelrepresentation.






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