BS EN 61158-4-8-2008 工业通讯网络.现场总线规范.数据链层协议规范.8型元件

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS EN 61158-4-8-2008
英文标准名称:Industrial communication networks — Fieldbus specifications — Part 4-8: Data-link layer protocol specification — Type 8 elements
发布日期:2008/5/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2008/5/30 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 61158-2 Ed.4.0;IEC 61158-3-8;ISO/IEC 7498-1;ISO/IEC 7498-3;ISO/IEC 10731
适用范围:1.1 GeneralThe data-link layer provides basic time-critical messaging communications between devices inan automation environment.This protocol provides a highly-optimized means of interchanging fixed-length input/outputdata and variable-length segmented messages between a single master device and a set ofslave devices interconnected in a loop (ring) topology. The exchange of input/output data istotally synchronous by configuration, and is unaffected by the messaging traffic.Devices are addressed implicitly by their position on the loop. The determination of thenumber, identity and characteristics of each device can be configured, or can be detectedautomatically at start-up.1.2 SpecificationsThis standard specifiesa) procedures for the timely transfer of data and control information from one data-link userentity to a peer user entity, and among the data-link entities forming the distributed datalinkservice provider;b) the structure of the fieldbus DLPDUs used for the transfer of data and control informationby the protocol of this standard, and their representation as physical interface data units.1.3 ProceduresThe procedures are defined in terms ofa) the interactions between peer DL-entities (DLEs) through the exchange of fieldbusDLPDUs;b) the interactions between a DL-service (DLS) provider and a DLS-user in the same systemthrough the exchange of DLS primitives;c) the interactions between a DLS-provider and a Ph-service provider in the same systemthrough the exchange of Ph-service primitives.1.4 ApplicabilityThese procedures are applicable to instances of communication between systems whichsupport time-critical communications services within the data-link layer of the OSI or fieldbusreference models, and which require the ability to interconnect in an open systemsinterconnection environment.Profiles provide a simple multi-attribute means of summarizing an implementation’scapabilities, and thus its applicability to various time-critical communications needs.1.5 ConformanceThis standard also specifies conformance requirements for systems implementing theseprocedures. This standard does not contain tests to demonstrate compliance with suchrequirements






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