BS EN 61162-402-2005 船舶导航和无线电通信设备及系统.数字接口.多方通话器和多方受话器.船舶系统互连.文献和试验要求

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS EN 61162-402-2005
英文标准名称:Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - Ship systems interconnections - Documentation and test requirements
发布日期:2005/12/23 12:00:00
实施日期:2005/12/23 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60092-504;IEC 60945;IEC 61162-4;IEC 61162-400;IEC 61162-401
适用范围:GeneralThis standard series, IEC 61162-400 and upwards, specifies a communication protocol foruse in integrated ship systems. It also specifies an interface description language for usetogether with the protocol, a set of rules for the use of this language and a set of standardinterfaces described in the language.This part of the standard specifies a minimum set of tests to be done, test results to beachieved and documents that shall be available for all implementations of general protocolsoftware and applications that are compliant with the IEC 61162-4 standard. Although this setof standard documents is collectively referred to as IEC 61162-4, the actual part numbers arein the 400-series (see 1.4 of IEC 61162-400).Limitations in scopeThe tests and documentation requirements do not cover electrical, physical or environmentalrequirements that may apply to the use of software or computers onboard ships. Suchrequirements may be covered by IEC 60945 or IEC 60092-504. Other standards may also beapplicable.This standard does not necessarily cover all requirements from classification societies orother authorities. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to ensure that allappropriate regulations are addressed.This standard contains tests to check that an application using the IEC 61162-4 protocoladheres to its advertised interface specification. These tests cannot guarantee the correctfunctionality of that application beyond the possibility of connecting it to the network and witha limited degree of accuracy in the messages transferred.This standard does not cover the system in which the IEC 61162-4 communication standard isused. Additional requirements will normally apply to the total system configuration.Fundamental requirements relating to ensuring reliable and timely transfer of data across datacommunication links are included in other standards associated with the integration ofequipment such as IEC 60092-504 and IEC 61209. This standard does not contain tests toverify compliance with these requirements. In addition, specific equipment related standardsmay also contain requirements for correctness and timeliness of data transmissions. Neitherdoes this standard contain any tests to verify such requirements. Thus, results from testscarried out in accordance with this standard cannot be used to demonstrate compliance withthe requirements of any other standards for system or equipment functionality.Limitations in test coverageThe test plan only specifies general tests of the protocols and a limited set of other generalproperties (black box tests). The test procedures will not generally cover tests of operatingsystems, communication libraries or other software components that are used to implementthe standard. Neither does this standard specify any tests related to the way the system isimplemented (white or glass box testing).Limitations in degree of detailThe test procedures are general in nature and do not generally specify detailed test programsand procedures. The procedures specify a minimum set of functional aspects that need to betested, with, in some cases, a minimum required set of excitations and correspondingrequired responses. The testers must develop the detailed procedures and test toolsthemselves.






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