BS EN 50381-2005 配备或不配备室内排气装置的可移动的通风房间

百检网 2021-08-05
标准号:BS EN 50381-2005
英文标准名称:Transportable ventilated rooms with or without an internal source of release
发布日期:2005/1/7 12:00:00
实施日期:2005/1/7 12:00:00
适用范围:This European Standard contains the specific requirements for the construction and testing oftransportable ventilated rooms (TVR's), such as skid mounted analyser houses with type of protection 'v'intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Transportable in this sense means manufacturedin one location (the manufacturer's premises) for trade and transportation to another location (the user'spremises) for installation and use. This European Standard supplements European Standard EN 50014or where appropriate EN 50021, the requirements of which apply to electrical apparatus with type ofprotection 'v' except as modified within this standard. This standard does not contain the requirements forequipment group II, category 1 or equipment group I, category M1. This standard does not contain therequirements for equipment group I, category M2 where there exists a potential source of release. Thisstandard does not contain the requirements for group II where there exists a potential hazard fromcombustible dusts.NOTE It is not the intention of this European Standard to cover stationary analyzer houses according to EN 61285.This European Standard includes the requirements for the construction of the TVR and itsassociated components including, the inlet and outlet apertures for the ventilation gas supply and for thesafety provisions and devices necessary for the type of protection 'v'.This European Standard specifies the requirements for TVR's with or without an internal source ofrelease of potentially flammable or toxic, gas, liquid or vapour (for example analyzers placed within theTVR).Due to the safety factors incorporated in the type of protection, the uncertainty of measurementinherent in good quality, regularly calibrated measurement equipment is considered to have no significantdetrimental effect and need not be taken into account when making the measurements necessary toverify compliance of the apparatus with the requirements of this standard.






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