
百检网 2021-12-28


  自从中国批准在湖北和山东分别进行水稻和玉米等主粮转基因安全证书以来,笔者开始留意美国超市的食品。令人意外的是,虽然美国出口到中国的转基因大豆每年达四千多万吨,占中国大豆市场的70-80%,中国的大豆油、豆奶、豆腐大多都成了转基因大豆的制成品,可是,美国的超市大豆制品却基本上是非转基因大豆制成的。笔者于今天在美国一超市购物时顺便用手机拍摄了以上照片,这些豆奶、牛奶、豆腐、鸡蛋包装盒上都印有“ORGANIC" (有机产品)字样,如前2张的豆奶就是“ORGANIC SOYMILK" (有机豆奶),第三、四张的牛奶印有"ORGANIC MILK"(有机牛奶),第5-7张有英文和韩文的豆腐加有“USDA” (美国农业部United States Department of Agriculture的首字母缩写)认证的“ORGANIC”(有机)或者“NON-GMO”(NON-Genetically Modified Organism的缩写,非转基因)字样,*后两张是“ORGANIC EGGS"(有机鸡蛋),完全不是转基因大豆制品,读者可以从以上照片的包装盒上看到这几个关键字。可见,美国一方面在大力向他国出口转基因大豆,另一方面自己却不愿吃转基因大豆,爱吃未受污染的有机非转基因食物。这不得不引起我们深思。





  More US farmers planting non-GMO soybeans this year(标题:今年更多的美国农民种植非转基因大豆)-

  For the first time since 152 0173 3840, acres of Roundup Ready genetically modified soybeans could drop as more farmers decide to plant non-GMO.-

  Low commodity soybean prices, attractive premiums, and rising prices for genetically modified soybean seed are leading American farmers to plant more acres of non-GMO soybeans this year.

  Representatives with soybean associations, universities, and grain buyers all say that demand for non-GMO soybeans is growing, leading to more non-GMO acres. -





  Drawbacks to GMO Soybeans 转基因大豆的坏处-

  Creating genetically engineered foods is quite costly to research and to develop. In addition, the development of genetically modified foods can make it easy for one company to monopolize the market. (转基因食品的研发非常昂贵。同时,转基因食品业的发展使得市场很容易被*少数公司垄断。)-

  The possible negative side effects of genetically modified foods, however, are the primary reasons so many people prefer non GMO soybeans. Many fear that the science of creating genetically engineered foods is not advanced enough to determine whether these foods are safe. (转基因食物可能的副作用,使得非常多的人现在更倾向于食用非转基因大豆。很多人担心,转基因科学技术还不够发达,还不能决定转基因食物是否安全。)-

  Unfortunately, maintaining the purity of non GMO soybeans is difficult because GMO soybeans have the ability to crossbreed with these plants during the growing season. (不幸的是,维持非转基因大豆的纯度现在愈发困难,因为转基因大豆在生长季节能够与非转基因大豆跨种繁殖。)This has added another concern regarding genetically modified foods – the Terminator gene. This gene has been purposely placed in genetically engineered foods in order to cause GMO seeds to sterilize seeds produced by the plant. In this way, the technology of the companies who produced the seeds is preserved. (同时,人们还对转基因食物有另一个担心——终结者基因。这种基因被故意植入转基因植物,使得转基因种子不育。这样,基因技术公司的种子知识产权能够得到维护。)Unfortunately, this terminator gene can crossbreed with non GMO soybeans and other plants to sterilize these plants, as well. Many fear that this could lead to increased world hunger as plants fail to reproduce. (不幸的是,这一终结者基因能够与非转基因大豆和其他非转基因植物跨种繁殖。很多人担心,如果这些植物不育,将会导致世界性的饥荒。)-

  Market Trends 市场趋势Concerns about genetically engineered foods have caused the market demand for non GMO soybeans to rise. Japan and Europe have been particularly vocal about their concerns regarding genetically modified foods. As a result, nearly 14 million acres of non GMO soybeans were grown last year in the United States. (对转基因食物的担心使得市场对非转基因大豆的需求在增长。日本和欧洲对转基因食物的担心尤其强烈。结果,去年在美国的非转基因大豆种植了一千四百万亩。)-

  With the continual demand for non GMO soybeans and other foods, it is likely that farmers will begin focusing more on these crops, but the added expense of growing these plants will likely be passed on to the consumer. (随着对非转基因大豆和其他非转基因食物需求的不断增加,农民们很可能种植更多这类庄稼,但随之增加的种植成本也可能转嫁到消费者身上。)






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