标准号:SAE J 1307-2002
英文标准名称:Excavator and Backhoe Hand Signals
发布日期:2002/8/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:SAE J 326-1986;SAE J/ISO 6165-1999
适用范围:This SAE Recommended Practice provides a set of uniform hand signals for use by a signalman to direct an operator in the movement of the load or the working equipment or travel of a mobile excavator or backhoe. This recommended practice applies to mobile excavators, as defined in sAE J1057, Identification Terminology of Earthmoving Machines, and backhoes as defined in SAE J326, Nomenclature Hydraulic Backhoes.