标准号:BS 7S 80-2002
中文标准名称:高铬镍耐腐蚀钢锻坯,棒材,煅件和部件(880至1080 MPa:*限划线截面为100mm)
英文标准名称:High chromium-nickel corrosion resisting steel forging stock, bars, forgings and parts (880 to 1080 MPa: limiting ruling section 100 mm)
发布日期:2002/6/28 12:00:00
实施日期:2002/6/28 12:00:00
适用范围:This British Standard specifies the characteristics of a high chromium-nickel corrosion resisting steel, supplied in the following forms, and as parts, for aerospace applications.
a) Forging stock: softened, designation S 80A.
b) Forgings: De 100 mm, hardened and tempered, designation S 80C.
c) Bar: softened, designation S 80E.
d) Black bars: De 100 mm, hardened and tempered, designation S 80B.
e) Bright bars: De 100 mm, hardened and tempered, designation S 8OD.