标准号:BS EN 61514-2002
英文标准名称:Industrial-process control systems - Methods of evaluating the performance of valve positioners with pneumatic outputs
发布日期:2002/6/13 12:00:00
实施日期:2002/6/13 12:00:00
适用范围:This European Standard specifies tests designed to determine the static and dynamicperformance of single-acting or double-acting analogue positioners. The tests may be appliedto positioners, which receive standard analogue input signals (as specified in IEC 60381 andIEC 60382) and have a pneumatic output.Positioners with pulsed or digital input signals, positioners with digital controllers andpositioners with pulsed outputs are outside the scope of this standard.Testing may be conducted either on a positioner alone, independently of an actuator, or on apositioner mounted and connected to a specific actuator, as a combined unit. The text makesclear where different approaches are required.The methods of evaluation given in this standard are intended for use by manufacturers todetermine the performance of their products, and by users, or independent testing establishments,to verify manufacturers' performance specifications.The closest liaison should be maintained between the evaluating body and the manufacturer.Note should be taken of the manufacturer's specifications for the instrument when the testprogramme is being decided, and the manufacturer should be invited to comment on both thetest programme and the results. His comments on the results should be included in any reportproduced by the testing organization.This standard is intended to provide definitions of positioner elements, actions, andcharacteristics, to specify uniform methods of measuring performance errors and effects ofinfluence quantities on those characteristics, and to describe methods of reporting andevaluating the results of the measurement data obtained.The test conditions described in this publication (for example range of ambient temperaturesand power supply) relate to conditions which commonly arise in use. Consequently, thevalues specified shall be used where no other values are specified by the manufacturer oruser. If other values are used, they should be stated. It is recognized that the manufacturer'sspecifications and instructions for installation and operation should apply during all steps.The tests specified in this standard are not necessarily sufficient for instruments specificallydesigned for unusually arduous conditions. Conversely, a reduced series of tests may serveadequately for instruments designed to perform within a more limited range of conditions.When a full evaluation, in accordance with this standard, is not required or possible, thosetests which are required should be performed and the results reported in accordance with therelevant parts of this standard. In such cases, the test report should state that it does notcover the full number of tests specified herein.