标准号:SAE AIR 4174-2002
英文标准名称:A Guide to Aircraft Power Train Monitoring
发布日期:2002/2/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:SAE AIR 46;SAE AIR 65;SAE AIR 1828;SAE AIR 1900;SAE ARP 1587;SAE AIR 1839
适用范围:The purpose of this SAE Aerospace Information Report(AIR) is to provide managment,designers,and operators with information to assist them to decide what type of power train monitoring they desire.This document is to provide assistance in optimizing system complexity,performance and cost effectiveness.This document covers all power train elements from the point at which the gas generator energy is transferred to mechanical energy for propulsion purposes. The document covers engine power train components,their interfaces,transmissions,gearboxes,hanger bearings,shafting and associated rotating accessories,propellers and rotor systems as shown in Figure 1.This document addresses application for rotorcraft,turboprop,and propfan drive trains for both commercial and military aircraft.Information is provided to assist in:a.Defining technology maturity and application riskb.Cost benefit analysis (Value analysis)C.Selection of system componentsd.Selection of technologye.Managing interface requirementsf.Defining information flow requirments