标准号:DIN 16831-3-2003
中文标准名称:聚(异)丁烯压力管道用管道配件和连接组件.PB 125型.第3部分:承插焊接用注模套管和帽.尺寸
英文标准名称:Pipe fittings and joint assemblies for polybutene pressure pipes - Type PB 125 - Part 3: Dimensions of injection-moulded sockets and caps for socket welding
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:DIN 16831-5;DIN 16901;DIN 16968;DIN 16969;DIN EN ISO 472
适用范围:This standard applies to injection-mouldedl) polybutene (PB) sockets and caps as in DIN 16831-5 for thermo-compression socket welding to polybutene pipes as in DIN 16968 and DIN 16969. The standard specifies thedimensions of fittings for selected pipe outside diameters.NOTE Any relevant European Standards shall be observed.