标准号:BS EN 1677-3-2001+A1-2008
英文标准名称:Components for
slings — Safety —
Part 3: Forged steel self-locking
hooks — Grade 8
发布日期:2001/11/6 12:00:00
实施日期:2001/11/6 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 292-2-1991/A1-1995;EN 818-4;EN 818-6;EN 1050-1996;EN 1492-1;EN 1492-2;EN 1677-1-2000+A1-2008;prEN 13414-1
适用范围:This European Standard specifies requirements for forged steel self-locking lifting hooks of Grade 8 havingeye or clevis and pin up to 21,2 t working load limit (WLL), mainly for use in: chain slings according to EN 818-4 steel wire rope slings according to prEN 13414-1 textile slings according to EN 1492-1, EN 1492-2intended for lifting objects, materials or goods.The hazards covered by this part of EN 1677 are identified in clause 4.Annex A gives the bases for calculation of hook dimensions.Annex B gives an example of a designation systems for hooks of Grade 8.