标准号:SAE ARP 5140A-2014
中文标准名称:行动不便的乘客登上门槛≤144 in的飞机时使用的升降装置设计标准
英文标准名称:Design Criteria for Lifts Used to Board Passengers with Mobility Impairments onto Aircraft with Doorsill Heights of 144 in or Less
发布日期:2014/3/11 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:SAE AIR 1375;SAE AIR 1558A-1997;SAE ARP 1247D-2010;SAE ARP 1328B-2005;ARP1817;ARP1892;AS4828;FAA AC150/5220-21
适用范围:This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) outlines the design and functional requirements for aircraft passenger lifts, operated manually and self-propelled. The primary function of the lift described in this document is to act as an elevator between ground level and aircraft doorsills to a maximum of 144 in.