标准号:DIN EN ISO 15175-2011
中文标准名称:土壤质量.与地下水保护相关的土壤性质(ISO 15175-2004);德文版本EN ISO 15175-2011
英文标准名称:Soil quality - Characterization of soil related to groundwater protection (ISO 15175:2004); German version EN ISO 15175:2011
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 6341;ISO 6468;ISO 6878;ISO 7150-1;ISO 7150-2;ISO 7888;ISO 7890-1;ISO 7890-2;ISO 7890-3;ISO 7981-2;ISO 8165-1;ISO 8245;ISO 9001-2000;ISO 9562;ISO 9964-1;ISO 9964-2;ISO 9964-3;ISO 10048;ISO 10301;ISO 10382;ISO 10390;ISO 10523;ISO 10573;ISO 10693;ISO 106
适用范围:This International Standard provides guidance on the principles behind, and main methods for, the evaluation of sites, soils, and soil materials in relation to their role as a source of contamination of groundwater and their function in transporting, degrading and transforming contaminants. It identifies and lists relevant monitoring strategies, methods for sampling, soil processing and analytical methods.This International Standard is applicable to the evaluation of the impact of contaminants on groundwater in relation to- drinking water quality,- irrigation water quality,- industrial use,- natural base flow.