标准号:BS DD CLC/TS 60034-18-33-2011
英文标准名称:Rotating electrical machines. Functional evaluation of insulation systems. Test procedures for form-wound windings. Multifactor evaluation by endurance under simultaneous thermal and electrical stresses
发布日期:2011/7/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/7/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60034-15;IEC 60034-18-1-2010;IEC/TS 60034-18-42;IEC 60085;IEC 60505;IEC 62539
适用范围:This part of IEC 60034-18 describes procedures for evaluation of insulation systems byendurance testing where thermal and electrical stresses are applied simultaneously. Theprocedures are intended for insulation systems used, or proposed to be used, in a.c. electricalmachines using form-wound windings. The test procedures provide a comparison ofperformance between reference and candidate systems at combinations of voltage andtemperature which have been used separately to assess quality in the past and which arechosen to produce failures within a suitable timescale and at stresses within practical limits.The outcome of the test on the candidate insulation system will indicate whether it is better orworse than the reference system with proven service experience but will not enable a lifetimein service to be calculated. The evaluation described in this technical specification does notinclude stress grading.The test procedures in this technical specification are not intended to establish the interactionbetween thermal and electrical stress in the ageing process nor endurance lines. If additionalinformation is required on this interaction or in order to achieve endurance lines, it isnecessary to undertake further tests in which electrical ageing is carried out at constanttemperature and different voltages (IEC 60034-18-32) and thermal ageing is performed atdifferent temperatures and constant voltage.