标准号:DIN 38406-8-2004
英文标准名称:German standard methods for examination of water, waste water and sludge - Cations (group E) - Part 8: Determination of zinc - Method by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) using an air-ethine flame (E 8)
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:DIN 12691;DIN 32645;DIN 38402-11;DIN 38402-12;DIN 38402-13;DIN 38402-14;DIN 38402-15;DIN 38402-51;DIN 51401-1;DIN EN 13346;DIN EN ISO 1042;DIN EN ISO 5667-3;DIN EN ISO 5667-13;DIN ISO 3696;DIN ISO 8466-2;ISO 8466-1
适用范围:This standard specifies a method of determining zinc concentrations ranging from 0,01 mg/I to 2 mg/I innatural waters and waste water by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) using an air-ethyne flame. Higher concentrations can be determined by dilution. The limit of determination is often lower and can be determinedin each laboratory by calibration experiments.Depending on the objective, if water contains undissolved zinc, the determination may be limited to thedissolved component by filtering the sample prior to stabilization or the sample may be subjected to suitabledigestion.The content of total zinc in sludges and sediments can be determined after digestion by the method specifiedin DIN EN 13346.