标准号:DIN 10955-2004
英文标准名称:Sensory analysis - Testing of packaging materials and packages for foodstuffs
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:DIN 10950-1;DIN 10954;DIN 10963;DIN 12339;DIN 55405-1;DIN 55405-5;DIN EN 1230-1;DIN EN 1230-2;DIN EN ISO 2233;DIN EN ISO 4796-2;DIN ISO 4120-1983
适用范围:This standard specifies a sensory analysis method for packaging materials and packages for food products toassess their compatibility with food products [1], [2], [3]. The method serves to establish whether a package orpackaging material or a food handling commodity has an inherent odour or contains substances that, underthe specified test conditions, are transferred to a test substance either through the air-filled cavity or throughdirect contact and alter its taste. Original packaged products or food simulants (see clause 9) may be used astest substances.If tests are performed because the user has sensory complaints about the packaged materials taken from finalpackages, it shall first be established whether the test method is inapplicable because the changescomplained of are due to secondary effects or to the permeability of the packages to odorous substances ortheir ability to absorb them.The standard does not apply to packages and packaging material made of paper or cardboard whose off-odour effect on and tainting of the food simulants are tested in indirect contact at ambient temperature, whichare covered by DIN EN 1230-1 and DIN EN 1230-2.