标准号:ISO/TR 16056-2-2004
英文标准名称:Health informatics - Interoperability of telehealth systems and networks - Part 2: Real-time systems
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Technical Report entitled Interoperability of telehealth systems and networks Part 2: Real-time systemsbuilds on the introduction to telehealth described in ISO/IEC TR 16056-1 Health informatics - Interoperability oftelehealth systems and networks - Part 1: Introduction and definitions and focuses on the technical standardsrelated to real-time applications, (including video, audio, and data conferencing) and interoperability aspects oftelehealth systems and networks.Specifically, this document addresses four main areas:i) Standards for real-time telehealth systems. This Technical Report describes the technical standardsrelated to real-time telehealth applications, including audio, video, and data conferencing capabilities. It alsoidentifies gaps, overlaps and inconsistencies in the standards, and provides some guidance about how theyneed to evolve.ii) Interoperability issues in telehealth applications. This Technical Report examines interoperability aspectsof real-time multimedia conferencing standards and telehealth products, and identifies areas of concerns fromthe interoperability perspective that need to be resolved.iii) Requirements for interoperable telehealth systems and networks. This Technical Report definesinteroperability requirements at different levels of interaction between telehealth systems and provides someguidelines on how interoperability can be achieved.iv) Framework for interoperable architectures. This Technical Report identifies interoperable building blocksfor telehealth solutions and interactions between these building blocks, and explores the possibility ofstandardization of these building blocks.The scope of the Technical Report does not include conformity and interoperability tests or functional specificationsfor telehealth systems and networks.