标准号:DIN EN 15632-4-2009
中文标准名称:区域供暖管道.预隔热弹性管道系统.第4部分:带金属管道的熔接系统.试验方法和要求.德文和英文版本本EN 15632-4-2009
英文标准名称:District heating pipes - Pre-insulated flexible pipe systems - Part 4: Bonded system with metal service pipes - Requirements and test methods; German and English version EN 15632-4:2009
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1057;EN 10088-2;EN 10246-1;EN 10305-1;EN 10305-2;EN 12449;EN 13941;EN 14419;EN 15632-1-2009
适用范围:This European Standard provides requirements and test methods for flexible, pre-insulated, directly burieddistrict heating pipe assemblies with metallic service pipes and bonding between the layers of the pipes andthermal insulation materials of polyurethane or polyisocyanurate foam, the casing pipes being made ofpolyethylene.This European Standard is valid for maximum operating temperatures up to 140 ℃ and pressures up to25 bar for a design lifetime of at least 30 years.NOTE For higher temperatures or for the transport of other fluids, for example potable water, additional requirements and testing is needed. Such requirements are not specified in this European Standard.