标准号:BS EN 15254-2-2009
英文标准名称:Extended application of results from fire resistance tests - Nonloadbearing walls - Masonry and gypsum blocks
发布日期:2009/8/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/8/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 771-1;EN 771-2;EN 771-3;EN 771-4;EN 772-16;EN 1363-1;EN 998-1;EN 998-2;EN 1363-2;EN 1364-1;EN 1996-1-1;EN 1996-1-2-2005;EN 1996-3;EN 12859;EN 12860;EN 13501-2;EN 15318
适用范围:This document provides guidance, and where appropriate defines procedures, for variations of products andelement construction parameters related to the design of internal and external non-loadbearing walls made ofclay units, calcium silicate units, aggregate concrete units, autoclaved aerated concrete units and gypsumblocks with different types of mortar that have been tested in accordance with EN 1364-1.Manufactured stone masonry units according to EN 771-5 are not covered.