标准号:ANSI/NFPA 1452-2010
英文标准名称:Guide for Training Fire Service Personnel to Conduct Dwelling Fire Safety Surveys
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1-1 General. The intent and purpose of this document is to provide fire department training officers or other fire service personnel with a guide for the establishment of a dwelling fire safety program for their community. 1-1.1 To be effective and to adequately deal with local fire problems, the solution to a particular fire safety problem should be developed locally. This document is intended to be a basic guide to possible elements for inclusion in a locally developed program. 1-1.2 Because the majority of fire deaths occur in residential occupancies, it is essential that fire safety survey programs become an integral part of the total fire safety program in a community. This guide can be applied to both rural and urban communities. Principles contained in this document can be applied to single-family as well as multifamily dwellings, such as apartments, town houses, and condominiums, as local conditions dictate. 1-1.3 This document is not intended to be a training manual or a fire inspection manual, but rather to serve as a guide for establishing a locally prepared dwelling inspection program geared to address the specific problem(s) faced by the local fire service organization. By utilizing fire suppression personnel in this capacity, fire departments can achieve some or all of the following benefits: (1) Increased productivity (2) Increased community contact (3) Familiarization with residential properties 1-1.4 Residents of the community also benefit from a survey program by becoming aware of the following issues: (1) Fire safety in the home (2) Protective measures to improve the quality of life (3) Public safety and awareness 1-1.5 Specific sections of this guide can be included or eliminated as local conditions dictate.