标准号:BS EN 1264-5-2008
英文标准名称:Water based surface
embedded heating and
cooling systems
Part 5: Heating and cooling surfaces
embedded in floors, ceilings and walls
— Determination of the thermal output
发布日期:2009/5/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/5/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1264-1-1997;EN 1264-2-2008
适用范围:This European Standard applies to water based heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosuresurfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. Part 5 of this standard deals with the recalculation of valuesdetermined in Part 2 of this European Standard for the system in question, using it for floor heatingapplications. The recalculation method described in this part of the standard enables the conversion of thecalculation and test results of Part 2 into results for other surface orientations in the room, i.e. for ceiling andwall heating, as well as for the application as cooling surfaces, i.e. for floor, ceiling and wall cooling. It has tobe emphasised that the test results of Part 2 of this European Standard are the basis of all calculation.Therefore the use of this prove method is necessary whether or not the system in question is used for heatingor cooling application.This European Standard shall be applied to commercial trade and practical engineering if proved andcertifiable values of the thermal output shall be used.