标准号:IEEE 1016-2009
英文标准名称:Information technology - Systems design - Software design descriptions
发布日期:2009/3/19 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This standard describes software designs and establishes the information content and organization of asoftware design description (SDD). An SDD is a representation of a software design to be used forrecording design information and communicating that design information to key design stakeholders. Thisstandard is intended for use in design situations in which an explicit SDD is to be prepared. Thesesituations include traditional software construction activities, when design leads to code, and “reverseengineering” situations when a design description is recovered from an existing implementation.This standard can be applied to commercial, scientific, or military software that runs on digital computers.Applicability is not restricted by the size, complexity, or criticality of the software. This standard can beapplied to the description of high-level and detailed designs.This standard does not prescribe specific methodologies for design, configuration management, or qualityassurance. This standard does not require the use of any particular design languages, but establishesrequirements on the selection of design languages for use in an SDD. This standard can be applied to thepreparation of SDDs captured as paper documents, automated databases, software development tools, orother media.This standard specifies requirements on the information content and organization of SDDs. The standardspecifies requirements for the selection of design languages to be used for SDD, and requirements fordocumenting design viewpoints to be used in organizing an SDD.