标准号:AS 3959-2009
英文标准名称:Construction of buildings in bushfireprone
发布日期:2009/3/10 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:AS 1288;AS 1530;AS 1530.1;AS 1530.2;AS 1530.8.1;AS 1530.8.2;AS 1684;AS 1684.2;AS 1684.3;AS 1720;AS 1720.2;AS/NZS 3837;ASTM D2898;BCA Building Code of Australia;Atlas of Australian Resources—Volume 6 Vegetation, Australian Surveying and Land
Information G
适用范围:This Standard specifies requirements for the construction of buildings in bushfire-proneareas in order to improve their resistance to bushfire attack from burning embers, radiantheat, flame contact and combinations of the three attack forms.Although this Standard is designed to improve the performance of buildings when subjectedto bushfire attack in designated bushfire-prone areas there can be no guarantee that abuilding will survive a bushfire event on every occasion. This is substantially due to theunpredictable nature and behaviour of fire and extreme weather conditions.NOTES:1 The construction measures contained in this Standard are not the only measures that can beconsidered to address bushfire attack as there are other means available that are outside thescope of this Standard. Standards Australia’s Handbook HB 36 provides further informationon these issues.2 On the basis that the committee is not aware of any clear evidence that smoke from a bushfireentering a building is a risk, this Standard does not address the infiltration of smoke nor anyassociated health risk.