标准号:BS DD CEN/TS 13036-2-2010
英文标准名称:Road and airfield surface characteristics - Test methods - Assessment of the skid resistance of a road pavement surface by the use of dynamic measuring systems
发布日期:2010/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/6/30 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 13036-1;CEN/TS 15901-1;CEN/TS 15901-2;CEN/TS 15901-3;CEN/TS 15901-4;CEN/TS 15901-5;CEN/TS 15901-6;CEN/TS 15901-7;CEN/TS 15901-8;CEN/TS 15901-9;CEN/TS 15901-10;EN ISO 13473-1
适用范围:This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of the pavement surfaceof a road or airfield.This method defines a process for comparing the friction results from a number of devices. By combiningtogether the friction and texture from individual measuring devices, it allows skid resistance determined bydifferent dynamic methods to be expressed on a common scale, namely the Skid Resistance Index (SRI). Asits precision has not been determined, the method should not be used in specifications for surface materials.This standard excludes surfaces when they are in winter road condition. It also excludes road markingsurfaces.