标准号:BS EN 61649-2008
英文标准名称:Weibull analysis
发布日期:2009/2/28 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/2/28 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60050-191-1990;IEC 60300-3-5-2001;IEC 61810-2-2005;ISO 2854-1976;ISO 3534-1-2006
适用范围:This International Standard provides methods for analysing data from a Weibull distributionusing continuous parameters such as time to failure, cycles to failure, mechanical stress, etc.This standard is applicable whenever data on strength parameters, e.g. times to failure,cycles, stress, etc. are available for a random sample of items operating under test conditionsor in-service, for the purpose of estimating measures of reliability performance of thepopulation from which these items were drawn.This standard is applicable when the data being analysed are independently, identicallydistributed. This should either be tested or assumed to be true (see IEC 60300-3-5).In this standard, numerical methods and graphical methods are described to plot data, tomake a goodness-of-fit test, to estimate the parameters of the two- or three-parameterWeibull distribution and to plot confidence limits. Guidance is given on how to interpret theplot in terms of risk as a function of time, failure modes and possible weak population andtime to first failure or minimum endurance.