标准号:BS EN 62132-3-2007
中文标准名称:集成电路.150 kHz~1 GHz电磁抗扰性的测量.大容量电流注入(BCI)法
英文标准名称:Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity, 150 kHz to 1 GHz - Bulk current injection (BCI) method
发布日期:2007/11/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2007/11/30 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 62132-1-2006
适用范围:This part of IEC 62132 describes a bulk current injection (BCI) test method to measure theimmunity of integrated circuits (IC) in the presence of conducted RF disturbances, e.g.resulting from radiated RF disturbances. This method only applies to ICs that have off-boardwire connections e.g. into a cable harness. This test method is used to inject RF current onone or a combination of wires.This standard establishes a common base for the evaluation of semiconductor devices to beapplied in equipment used in environments that are subject to unwanted radio frequencyelectromagnetic signals.