标准号:DIN EN 13606-2-2007
英文标准名称:Health informatics - Electronic health record communication - Part 2: Archetypes interchange specification; English version EN 13606-2:2007
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 14822-2-2005;ISO 639;ISO 1087-1-2000;ISO 8601;ISO/IEC 10646;ISO/IEC 11179-3-2003;ISO/IEC 11404;ISO/TS 18308-2004;ISO/TS 20514-2005
适用范围:This work item consists of the revision of the four part standard ENV 13606 to a full European standard (EN).This standard specifies the information architecture required for interoperable communications betweensystems and services that need or provide EHR data. This standard is not intended to specify the internalarchitecture or database design of such systems.The subject of the record or record extract to be communicated is an individual person, and the scope of thecommunication is predominantly with respect to that person's care.Uses of healthcare records for other purposes such as administration, management, research andepidemiology, which require aggregations of individual people's records, are not the focus of this standardbut such secondary uses could also find the standard useful.Part 2 of this standard defines an Archetype Model to be used to represent Archetypes when communicatedbetween repositories, and between archetype services. It defines an optional serialised representation,which may be used as an exchange format for communicating individual archetypes. Such communicationmight, for example, be between archetype libraries or between an archetype service and an EHRpersistence or validation service.