标准号:DIN EN 4617-2008
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Recommended practices for standardising company standards; German and English version EN 4617:2006
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This document is a guide describing the recommended practices in specifying industrial requirements inthe form of recognised standards (national, European, international), in preference to company standards.It emphasises the economic and industrial value of following and encouraging such practices.It is based on what is frequently observed and considered by primes and manufacturers as constituting bestpractices to the benefit of all involved in the life cycle of a product, from the design stage until its withdrawalfrom service.The purpose of this guide is to:-- encourage specification writers and designers to make greater use of existing recognised standards and at the same time to reduce the use of company standards;-- increase the awareness among specification writers, designers, manufacturers and users of company standards of the value and importance of being part of a joint multilateral approach to formalising, through standards, requirements for which the audience is generally known;-- provide methodological support for the users of company standards when undertaking the rationalisation of various requirements.