IEC/TR 60755-2008 剩余电流驱动保护器的一般要求

百检网 2021-07-15
标准号:IEC/TR 60755-2008
英文标准名称:General requirements for residual current operated protective devices
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60038;IEC 60050-411-1996;IEC 60050-426-1990;IEC 60050-441-1984;IEC 60050-442-1998;IEC 60050-471-2007;IEC 60364-4-41;IEC 60364-5-53;IEC 60998-1;IEC 61140
适用范围:The requirements of this technical report apply to residual current operated protective devices(hereinafter referred to as “residual current devices” (RCD)) for rated voltages not exceeding440 V a.c., intended primarily for protection against shock hazard. They are intended to beused by technical committees when drafting product standards and apply only if they areincorporated or are referred to in the relevant standards. This report is not intended to beused as a stand-alone standard, for example, for certification.NOTE 1 This technical report may also be used as a guide for residual current devices of rated voltages up to1 000 V, a.c.It applies to– a single device which detects a residual current (see 3.3.2), compares it to a referencevalue (see 3.3.3) and opens the protected circuit when the residual current exceeds thisreference value (see 3.3.4);– an association of devices, each one of them performing separately one or two of theabove-mentioned functions, but acting together in order to accomplish all three functions.Particular requirements may be necessary for devices intended for accomplishing onlyone or two of the above three functions.This report applies for conditions as stated in Clause 7. For other conditions, additionalrequirements may be necessary.Residual current devices are intended to protect persons and livestock against harmful effectsof electric shock due to contact with exposed conductive parts by automatic disconnection ofsupply in accordance with IEC 61140 and IEC 60364-4-41.NOTE 2 In this context “harmful effects” include the risk of occurrence of heart fibrillation.In accordance with IEC 60364-5-53, residual current devices with a rated residual operatingcurrent not exceeding 300 mA may also be used to provide protection against fire hazardsdue to a persistent earth fault current.In accordance with IEC 60364-4-41, residual current devices with a rated residual operatingcurrent not exceeding 30 mA may also be used for additional protection in case of failure ofthe basic protective provisions or carelessness of the user of the installation or equipment.For residual current devices performing additional functions, this technical report appliestogether with the relevant standard covering the additional functions; for example, whenresidual current devices incorporate a circuit-breaker it should comply with the relevantcircuit-breaker standard.Supplementary or particular requirements may be necessary, for example, for– residual current devices intended for use by uninstructed persons;– socket-outlets, plugs, adapters and couplers incorporating residual current devices.This technical report states– the definitions of terms used for residual current devices (Clause 3) ;– the classification of residual current devices (Clause 4);– the characteristics of residual current devices (Clause 5);– the preferred values of the operating and influencing quantities (5.4);– the marking and information to be provided for residual current devices (Clause 6);– the standard conditions for installation and operation in service (Clause 7);– the requirements for construction and operation (Clause 8);– the list of minimum requirements to be tested (Clause 9).NOTE 3 Devices having a residual current function for specific purposes other than those mentioned above (forexample, motor protection) are not covered by this technical report.






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