标准号:ISO/TR 25901-2007
英文标准名称:Welding and related processes - Vocabulary
发布日期:2007/7/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Technical Report definesterms specifically related towelding and allied processes,together with their definitions.NOTE This Technical Report is acompilation of the technical termslisted in EN 1792.Terms and definitions related towelding processes are given inEN 14610.Terms and definitions related toweld imperfections are given inISO 6520-1 and ISO 6520-2, andcutting imperfections are given inEN 12584.Terms and definitions related togas welding equipment are givenin EN 13622.NOTE In addition to terms used inEnglish and French, two of the threeofficial ISO languages (English,French and Russian), this documentgives the equivalent terms in German;these are published under theresponsibility of the member body forGermany (DIN), and are given forinformation only. Only the terms anddefinitions given in the officiallanguages can be considered as ISOterms and definitions.