标准号:BS EN 1992-3-2006
英文标准名称:Eurocode 2. Design of concrete structures - Liquid retaining and containing structures
发布日期:2006/7/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/7/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1990;EN 1991-1-5;EN 1991-4;EN 1992-1-1;EN 1992-1-2
适用范围:Replacement of clause 1.1.2 in EN 1992-1-1 by:1.1.2 Scope of Part 3 of Eurocode 2(101)P Part 3 of EN 1992 covers additional rules to those in Part 1 for the design of structures constructedfrom plain or lightly reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete for the containment ofliquids or granular solids.(102)P Principles and Application Rules are given in this Part for the design of those elements of structurewhich directly support the stored liquids or materials (i.e. the directly loaded walls of tanks, reservoirs or silos).Other elements which support these primary elements (for example, the tower structure which supports thetank in a water tower) should be designed according to the provisions of Part 1-1.(103)P This part does not cover:¾ Structures for the storage of materials at very low or very high temperatures¾ Structures for the storage of hazardous materials the leakage of which could constitute a major health orsafety risk.¾ The selection and design of liners or coatings and the consequences of the choice of these on the designof the structure.¾ Pressurised vessels.¾ Floating structures¾ Large dams¾ Gas tightness(104) This code is valid for stored materials which are permanently at a temperature between –40 °C and+200 °C.(105) For the selection and design of liners or coatings, reference should be made to appropriatedocuments.(106) It is recognised that, while this code is specifically concerned with structures for the containment ofliquids and granular materials, the clauses covering design for liquid tightness may also be relevant to othertypes of structure where liquid tightness is required.(107) In clauses relating to leakage and durability, this code mainly covers aqueous liquids. Where otherliquids are stored in direct contact with structural concrete, reference should be made to specialist literature.