标准号:BS EN 14638-1-2006
中文标准名称:可运输的气瓶.容量小于150 litres的可再充气焊接插座.用实验方法证明设计制成的焊接奥氏体不锈钢气瓶
英文标准名称:Transportable gas cylinders - Refillable welded receptacles of a capacity not exceeding 150 litres - Welded austenitic stainless steel cylinders made to a design justified by experimental methods
发布日期:2006/5/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/5/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 287-1;EN 473;EN 910;EN 962;EN 970
适用范围:This European Standard gives minimum requirements concerning material, design, construction andworkmanship, procedures and tests at manufacture of refillable transportable welded cylinders made ofaustenitic stainless steel, justified by experimental methods, of water capacities from 0,5 l up to andincluding 150 l for compressed or liquefied gases and of a test pressure up to 90 bar.NOTE This European Standard may also be used as a guideline for cylinders less than 0,5 litres water capacity.This European Standard is primarily for industrial gases other than LPG but may also be applied for LPG.However for dedicated LPG cylinders, see EN 14140, Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders forliquefied petroleum gas (LPG) – Alternative design and construction prepared by CEN/TC 286 Liquefiedpetroleum gas equipment and accessories.