标准号:ISO 22902-2-2006
英文标准名称:Road vehicles - Automotive multimedia interface - Part 2: Use cases
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of the standard is a representative example of possible customer experiences in terms of in-vehiclemultimedia functions and features. These functions and features will be enabled by implementations offoreseeable technologies.This document covers representative use cases in categories of commerce (abbreviated as COMM),customer relationship management (CUST), emergency (EMER), entertainment (ENTE), fleet management(FLEE), guidance (GUID), home automation (HOME), information (INFO), messaging (MESS), mobile devices(MOBI), customer preferences (PREF), productivity (PROD), security (SECU), service and maintenance(SERV), user interface (USER), safety (SAFE), Bluetooth (BLUE), intelligent transportation systems (ITS) andcombination use cases (COMB).Each of the use case categories has at least one high-level use case, which describes customer experiencesin a more generic fashion. A high-level use case is denoted by CASE x, where CASE is the four-letterabbreviation of the category and x is a natural number.A use case category may have low-level use cases. A low-level use case has more information about specificways of rendering functions and features than the corresponding high-level use case. A low-level use case isdenoted by CASE x.x.This document does not cover all possible use cases.