标准号:BS ISO/IEC 10181-1-1996
英文标准名称:Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Security frameworks for open systems - Overview
发布日期:1996/11/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1996/11/15 12:00:00
适用范围:The security frameworks address the application of security services in an Open
Systems environment, where the term Open Systems is taken to include areas such as
Database, Distributed Applications, ODP and OSI. The security frameworks are concerned
with defining the means of providing protection for systems and objects within
systems, and with the interactions between systems. The security frameworks are not
concerned with the methodology for constructing systems or mechanisms.
The security frameworks address both data elements and sequences of operations (but
not protocol elements) which are used to obtain specific security services. These
security services may apply to the communicating entities of systems as well as to
data exchanged between systems, and to data managed by systems.
The security frameworks provide the basis for further standardization, providing
consistent terminology and definitions of generic abstract service interfaces for
specific security requirements. They also categorize the mechanisms that can be used
to achieve those requirements.
One security service frequently depends on other security services, making it
difficult to isolate one part of security from the others. The security frameworks
address particular security services, describe the range of mechanisms that can be
used to provide the security services, and identify interdependancies between the
services and the mechanisms. The description of these mechanisms may involve a
reliance on a different security service, and it is in this way that the security
frameworks describe the reliance of one security service on another.
This part of the security frameworks:
- describes the organization of the security frameworks;
defines security concepts which are required in more than one part of the security
- describes the inter-relationship of the services and mechanisms identified in
other parts of me frameworks.