标准号:ANSI INCITS 83-1995
中文标准名称:信息技术.按照ISO 2375进行ISO登记.ANSI发起程序 代替X3.83 [被代替:ANSI X3.83,ANSI X3.83,ANSI X3.83,ANSI X3.83]
英文标准名称:Information Technology - ISO Registration According to ISO 2375 - ANSI Sponsorship Procedures Replaces X3.83 [Replaced: ANSI X3.83, ANSI X3.83, ANSI X3.83, ANSI X3.83]
发布日期:1995/8/17 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:Specifies the procedure to be followed in submitting proposals for character sets for ANSI sponsorship for submission to the ISO Registration Authority for processing in accordance with the ISO procedure for registration.