标准号:BS EN 60317-43-1997+A1-2010
英文标准名称:Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Aromatic polyimide tape wrapped round copperwire, class 240
发布日期:1997/8/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1997/8/15 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of IEC 317 specifies requirements of tapewrapped round copper winding wire of class 240.The insulation consists of one or two wrappings ofaromatic polyimide tape.Class 240 is a thermal class that requires atemperature index of at least 240, and a heat shocktemperature of at least 260 °C.The tape is coated on one or both sides with asuitable adhesive, for instance, fluorinated ethylenepropylene. After wrapping, the tape is heat-sealedto form a continuous and adherent sheath. Specificrequirements may be subject to contract.The temperature in degrees Celsius correspondingto the temperature index is not necessarily that atwhich the wire is recommended to be used and thiswill depend on many factors, including the types ofequipment involved.The range of nominal conductor diameters coveredby this standard is:1,600 mm up to and including 5,000 mm.The nominal conductor diameters are givenin Table 1.When reference is made to winding wire accordingto this standard, the following information shouldbe given:— reference to IEC 60317-43;— diameter of the conductor;— grade.Example: 60317-43 IEC 2,000 mm grade A2