标准号:IEEE 1450-1999
英文标准名称:Standard Interface Test Language (STIL) for Digital Test Vectors IEEE Computer Society
发布日期:1999/3/18 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This project is to define a standard language that a) facilitates the transfer of large volumes of digital test information from computer Aided-Engineering (CAE) environments to Automated Test Equipment (ATE) environments; b) specifies pattern, format, and timing information sufficient to define the application of test vectors to a Device Under Test (DUT); c) supports the large bulk test information generated from structured test and integral test techniques for very large scale and ultra large scale integrated circuit designs in a format optimized for transportation and application in Automated Test Equipment (ATE) environments; d) supports device testing for integrated circuit, very large scale and ultra large scale integrated circuit test environments, but not restricted from application to other digital test environments.