标准号:BS EN ISO 14125-1998+A1-2011
英文标准名称:Fibre-reinforced plastic composites. Determination of flexural properties
发布日期:1998/6/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1998/6/15 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 178;ISO 291;ISO 293;ISO 294-1;ISO 295;ISO 1268;ISO 2602;ISO 2818;ISO 5893
适用范围:1.1 This International Standard specifies a method for determining the flexural properties offibre-reinforced plastic composites under three-point (Method A) and four-point (Method B) loading.Standard test specimens are defined but parameters included for alternative specimen sizes for use whereappropriate. A range of test speeds is included.1.2 The method is not suitable for the determination of design parameters, but may be used for screeningmaterials, or as a quality-control test.NOTE For example, the flexural modulus is only an appropriate value of the tensile Young’s modulus of elasticity as the test is notfor the additional deflection due to the shear stress which leads to a lower value of the flexural modulus but uses test span/specimenthickness ratios that minimise this effect. Differences between tensile and flexural properties are also caused by the materialstructure/lay-up.1.3 The method is suitable for fibre-reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic composites.ISO 178, Plastics — Determination of flexural properties, applies to bulk compounds having fibres shorterthan 7,5 mm. This is generally the case with materials intended for injection moulding.1.4 The method is performed using specimens which may be moulded to the chosen dimensions, machinedfrom the central portion of the standard multi-purpose test specimen (see ISO 3167) or machined fromsemi-finished or finished products such as mouldings or laminates.1.5 The method specifies preferred dimensions for the specimen. Tests which are carried out on specimensof other dimensions, or on specimens which are prepared under different conditions, may produce resultswhich are not comparable. Other factors, such as the speed of testing and the conditioning of the specimenscan influence the results. For materials which are not homogeneous through the section, or above thelinear-elastic response region, the result applies only to the thickness and structure tested. Consequently,when comparative data are required, these factors must be carefully controlled and recorded.