标准号:BS EN ISO 3386-1-1997+A1-2010
英文标准名称:Polymeric materials, cellular flexible - Determination of stress-strain characteristics in compression - Low-density materials
发布日期:1998/1/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1998/1/15 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 1923;ISO 2439;ISO 7500-1
适用范围:This part of ISO 3386 specifies a method for thedetermination of the compression stress/straincharacteristic of low-density flexible cellularmaterials up to 250 kg/m3. It also indicates amethod for the calculation of the compression stressvalue of such materials.The compression stress/strain characteristic is ameasure of the load-bearing properties of thematerial, though not necessarily of its capacity tosustain a long-term load.The compression stress/strain characteristic differsfrom the indentation hardness characteristics(as determined in accordance with ISO 2439), whichare known to be influenced by the thickness and thetensile properties of the flexible cellular materialunder test, by the shape of the compression plateand by the shape and size of the test piece.ISO 3386/2 specifies a method for high-densitymaterials and differs from part 1 in the followingways:- it is mainly concerned with materials ofdensity above 250 kg/m3;- compression stress values have been deleted;- it does not permit the use of a cylindrical testpiece.