标准号:ONORM ENV 41103-4-1993
中文标准名称:信息系统通讯.通过本地网络中末端系统内,面向连接的OSl代理服务构建.面向连接的OSl运输服务 与子网类型相关的本地网络要求
发布日期:1993/2/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 GeneralThis Funcuonal Standard part is applicable to End Systems or Relay Systems operaung over Token Ring LAN in ihe Open Systems Interconnecüon (OSI) environmenLThis part specifies the subnetwork-type dependent requiremenis for the MAC Sublayer and the Physical Layer when the End System or Relay System is attached to a Tokefl Ring LAN.1.2 Position in the TaxooomyThis FunctionaJ Standard part relates to any of the transport (Tx, Ux) or relay (Rx) profiles defined in ISO/TEC TR 10000-2, Taxonomy of Profiles, where such profile uses subnetwork type 53 (Token Ring Local Area Network). Specifically, this Funcuonal Standard part provides a common set of requirements that are applicable to Transport Groups TA, TB, TC, TD, TE, UA, and ?B, and to Relay Types RA, RB, RC, RD, RE, and RZ whenever subnetwork ldcnufier 53 is associated with the transport group or relay type.1_3 ScenarioThe scope of Funcuonal Standards derived from this pari is limited to the End System or Relay System charactensucs usmg the Medium Interface Connector (MIC) as the reference point. Informauon relaung to sunable media types and installauon procedures for a Token Ring trunk cabling System may be found in the documenis referenced in the mformauve Annex B to this Funcuonal Standard pari.The scope of this Funcuonal Standard part and ils relauon to other documents and Puncuonal Standard pans is illustrated in figure .