标准号:AOAC 983.15-1994
英文标准名称:Phenolic Antioxidants in Oils, Fats, and Butter Oil Liquid Chromatographic Method
发布日期:1994/1/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1994/11/1 12:00:00
引用标准:CAS-25013-16-5;CAS-128-37-0;CAS-500-38-9;CAS-121-79-9;CAS-1034-01-1;CAS-1166-52-5;CAS-1421-63-2;CAS-1948-33-0;CAS-88-26-6;J.AOAC Int.76
适用范围:This standard is specifies Phenolic Antioxidants in Oils, Fats, and Butter Oil Liquid Chromatographic Method.A. Principle Antioxidants are extracted into acetonitrile. Extract is concentratedand diluted with 2-propanol. Antioxidants are separated by liquidchromatography and measured by ultraviolet detection at 280 nm.B. Apparatus (a) Gradient liquid chromatograph.--With 10 mV recorder orintegrator to electronically measure peak heights, 10 gL loopinjection valve, and detector to measure absorbance at 280 nm.Typical operating conditions: detector sensitivity, 0.05 AUFS;temperature, ambient; flow rate, 2.0 mL/min. (b) LC column.--Packed with C 18-bonded spherical (preferred)silica, or equivalent. Use guard column if desired. Must be capableof baseline resolution of all 9 antioxidants as shown inFigure 983.15. Verify peak identities, if necessary, by injection ofindividual standards. (c) Glassware.--Rinse all glassware with CHCI3, acetone, andmethanol, successively, and blow dry with N2.C. Reagents (a) Solvents.--Acetonitrile, 2-propanol, and hexane.Distilled-in-glass grade. (b) Mobile phase.--(1) 5% Acetic acid in H20.--LC grade.(2) Acetonitrile-methanol (1 + 1, v/v).--LC grade. (c) Antioxidants.--BHA (2- and 3-BHA mixture), BHT, TBHQ, Ionox- ! 00, THBP, and PG (PolyScience, 6600 W. Touhy Ave, Niles,IL 60714, USA, is suitable source [Ionox-100 is no longer available]);NDGA, OG,and DG (Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc., Milwaukee, WI, USA, is suitable source), purity >97% (w/w). (d) Standard solutions.--Prepare in 2-propanol-acetonitrile(l + 1, v/v). (e) Extraction solvents.---(1) Saturated 300 mL hexane in separatory funnel by adding acetonitrile 2 layers remain after shaking 2 min.